Rather than a module, it should be a DLC setting, so while playing their missions we can turn it off, not just in missions we create ourselves. Note this thread states there is a module for turning off ambient voices, and they state that module is fixed in dev build, so this module will work with next update.
I doubt the PF devs look here at all, you need to post the SOG forums if you want to possibly be heard. The lack of context banter is definitely lame. Can yall clean up the DSAI -that is the soldiers banter youve added? None of it makes any sense contextually -for instance my squad is 800m away scoping an sole enemy at a base but since we registered an enemy my guys went into Comnbat mode and started spewing all kinda nonsense line about 'incoming RPG' or 'Flank the Left' -what?! or even worse one guy yelling Fire at Will even though i directly gave a Hold Fire command.